Wilkiway - Et univers fyldt af tanker, drømme, passion, bekymringer, glæde, sorg og Guds nåde...

Friday, September 16, 2005

a never ending Joy

Fredag aften... En aften hjemme, endelig :) Tid til at se tilbage og glædes over alt hvad jeg er blevet velsignet med. Familie, venner, musikken og Guds glæde!

Her er en lille sang om Guds glæde - den glæde der varer ved...

My heart dances for You and sing of the wonders You have done.
Jesus thank You for this life, I’m living for You.
I long to be with You and sing in the presence of Your love.
Everyday I’ll try to be, more and more like You.

My heart burns for You, cos’ You are the light in this world.
Leading to a place of peace when we can rest and find You’re near.
I sing of You because, you are the purpose for my life.
Everyday I’ll try to live, more and more like You.

You alone God, gives this joy
You’re my friend and savior, my light and love
To you I sing, for you I dance
A life of joy, I’ll live for you

I will sing unending songs, of how You saved my life and soul x2
And Father we adore You.

Christoffer Wilki Nielsen - 2005


Blogger Christoffer Wilki said...

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3:37 PM

Blogger Christoffer Wilki said...

Thanx, tom :)
But I think, I don't have enough cash to buy a house in Mexico, sorry :p

3:40 PM


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