Wilkiway - Et univers fyldt af tanker, drømme, passion, bekymringer, glæde, sorg og Guds nåde...

Friday, June 24, 2005

Sankt Hans' evening =)

Hello everyone!
Hope you've enjoyed your Sankt Hans eveneing (what's it called in english?), cos' I've enjoyed mine. My family and some others had a great time at our place and what a fire. Probably 10 meters high ;) The other picture is me and one of my friends; the famous Andreas Christensen :D

Check it out yourself :D
It really breaks my heart, realizing that he's soon going to move to Slagelse. He is such a great guy, fuuny, inspiring and have a heart for God's music... And I am blessed, playing in a band with him and writing songs with him... We'll follow the dream =)


Blogger Ullie said...

sounds like you guys had a great time. cool fire ^^

anyways.. sad to hear about andreas moving.. I love that guy... he makes me laugh sooooo much.

anyways.. I talked a bit with lasse the other day... and we talked about having an evening for teens and youth in churches on Fyn and we might want Waterwalk to play... you want to?
ofcourse I have to talk with the other leaders and plan it more... but we really want to plan a evening like that.

9:03 PM

Blogger Christoffer Wilki said...

Sounds like a great idea =)

Just drop a mail and I'll see if we are able to come and have a night with you in God's presence =)

11:01 AM


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